Mike Fallon
Planning & Zoning Alternate Candidate
I know Middletown is a special, diverse place with artists, professionals, families, and long- time community residents that all add value. It’s why I chose Middletown as my home and why I will continue to work towards keeping Middletown affordable and accessible to all. I believe Middletown is the best city in Connecticut and look to continue our progress to make the city a source of pride for everyone who lives and works in our community.
I spent 4 years working with the local business community from grand openings to community events as the Director of Marketing & Relations at Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce. In that role, a high point was helping to promote and run the social media for the first Middletown Pride. I currently work at the Connecticut General Assembly assisting constituents as a Legislative Aide.
I am a commission member of Middletown’s Citizens Advisory Committee helping to oversee how the funds for the Department Housing and Urban Development's Community Development Block Grant are distributed throughout the city.
I am also proud to be the Chair of the Middletown Democratic Town Committee and I encourage everyone to get involved in this important election and look at the rest of the Middletown Democrats 2021 slate on Row A.